Thursday, January 18, 2007

I'm in love

With coffee that is. I'm not sure why now. I have drank coffee for years, 6 or so to be exact. I stopped drinking it a year ago and switched over to tea. Recently I broke out my little teeny tiny coffee pot and decided to make a pot. It tasted much better than I remembered. The next time I was at the store I picked up some Folgers French, blah blah whatever. That tasted even better. My little pot could only make the equivalent of two cups so I was brewing multiple pots just to equal a normal coffee pots worth. Recently I ordered a Gevalia full size coffee pot and it came with four twelve once packs of coffee. I got a nice little assortment going now. My only problem is I have to cut myself off quite early in the day or I pay for it at night time. Coffee seems to stay in me longer. I did mange to kick drinking pop out of this whole deal though, not that my one can a day habit was anything to worry about, I just have to have one positive thing to say when I traded 45 MG of caffeine for 900 a day. Maybe I'll have to ween myself down from the pot and slowly add half decaf into the normal. It's funny because you can read articles saying how bad it is for you and the next day read one about how it is good for you. Reminds me of the egg debate.
How much of your favorite caffeinated drink would it take to kill you? Find out!
and now for a random comic that has nothing to do with this story
Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

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