Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Coffee Pot Head

Yes I'm still addicted to the sweet sweet taste of the coffee bean so I decided to write about it some more. I'm not sure what to write about it..maybe I need some right now for inspiration? NO. It's past nine at night that would be bad. Maybe I should write about my fictional coffee place I want to open if I ever win the lottery... Java the Hut. Picture a huge Jabba the Hut like creature holding a coffee cup with coffee all over his face and it running down his chin for the sign. Since I've won the lottery I may as well buy the place next door and turn it into a Pizza the Hut, I wonder who would sue me first George Lucas or Pizza Hut? I guess technically if I did it creatively enough I could probably play it off as a coincidence.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I'm in love

With coffee that is. I'm not sure why now. I have drank coffee for years, 6 or so to be exact. I stopped drinking it a year ago and switched over to tea. Recently I broke out my little teeny tiny coffee pot and decided to make a pot. It tasted much better than I remembered. The next time I was at the store I picked up some Folgers French, blah blah whatever. That tasted even better. My little pot could only make the equivalent of two cups so I was brewing multiple pots just to equal a normal coffee pots worth. Recently I ordered a Gevalia full size coffee pot and it came with four twelve once packs of coffee. I got a nice little assortment going now. My only problem is I have to cut myself off quite early in the day or I pay for it at night time. Coffee seems to stay in me longer. I did mange to kick drinking pop out of this whole deal though, not that my one can a day habit was anything to worry about, I just have to have one positive thing to say when I traded 45 MG of caffeine for 900 a day. Maybe I'll have to ween myself down from the pot and slowly add half decaf into the normal. It's funny because you can read articles saying how bad it is for you and the next day read one about how it is good for you. Reminds me of the egg debate.
How much of your favorite caffeinated drink would it take to kill you? Find out!
and now for a random comic that has nothing to do with this story
Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wine baby

While shopping at the grocery store the other day I noticed they had some wine on sale. I bought two bottles, a merlot and a white zinfandel...Don't ever buy cheap merlot by the way it's kind of like grape juice with paint thinner added to it. Anywho, so yesterday I decided to open up the White Zin. I removed the seal thingy and see a cork. I dug around and found a corkscrew, kinda broken but it does the trick anyway. While attempting to remove the cork I managed to crack the bottle a bit. I HATE corks!!! They are fun for about ten seconds untill you pull on it to hard and spill wine everywhere. Do they still make them with corks by popular demand?!? Yes I understand that it is "neat" or "cool" to have the cork still but come on! I'm not sure where this is going, I was just frustrated at my chipped bottle and thought of a cool title and figured
I'd go with it.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Car Twin

Hello, and welcome to my first post/blog. I figured I'd start with what's on my mind......
So last week my friend called me on the phone and it went something like this:
Friend: Wow you must like to drink
Me: What?
Friend: I have seen your car at the liquor store atleast three times this week
Me: I seriously doubt that
Friend: Yeah right! Don't be ashamed to admit you have a problem (halfway joking)
Me: DUDE, I don't know what you are talking about!
So I kept wondering about why he thought it was me....I should note I have a Honda Passport..those are pretty rare I have seen maybe two in town to date, and mine is a not so common color: silver, plus it has Running boards which really set it apart.
Yesterday I was driving home and I turn at the liquor store...I saw it! A VERY similar vehicle to mine... in fact the same color. It isn't a Honda Passport though. It's an Isuzu Rodeo, which looks identical to an untrianed eye (as though my eye is trained to spot those things)....anyway it's the same color as mine... So now this is a problem, someone out there with my cars twin is making me look like a lush by going to the liquor store a lot! The way I see it there are only a few solutions:
1. Kindly ask the man or lady to give up drinking for my and their own sake.
2. Put a large sticker in my back window distinguishing my vehicle even further but also sacrificing visability and risking a future wreck.
3. Use the mistaken identity to my advantage..... anytime I forget something or let something slip or for any excuse for that matter
Person #1: Hey Dan, that wasn't cool of you to back into my car the other day.
Me: Sorry, I have a drinking problem
Person #2: Hey Dan, Could you watch my kids on Saturday?
Me: Sorry, I have a drinking problem
Person #3: Hey Dan, mind helping me move?
Me: Sorry, I have a drinking problem
Person #4: Hey Dan, that wasn't cool of you not to show up at AA and be my support
Me: sorry, I have a...oh wait that won't work for that one...DOH!