Thursday, March 8, 2007


Okay here it goes. I figure I should try and be a little more personal in my blogs so this will be my first attempt...just kidding! No, I am serious, let's try that again.
Lately I have come to the conclusion that I don't really buy anything fun. Depending on who you are you may be thinking "join the club" or "what is this fun you speak of?" I being a single guy probably should be trying to have fun and enjoy being single and wouldn't part of that be buying something fun here and there? Well I decided I should do just that! The last "fun" thing I bought was my TV. I didn't need a new one I just wanted one, so that was "fun". That was also in 2002. Five years! Don't get me wrong I do buy things like clothes, etc. But those things always serve a purpose... like covering me and keeping me warm. I bought a bike two years ago so I guess that's half fun and half exercise...or transportation. I decided this time the "fun" would be to replace the rear speakers in my truck and get a new CD player. The old speakers are pretty much rotted away and sound nasty. The CD player in it now is fine but doesn't play MP3's(I use them alot) and I'd like one with a remote...I know what you are thinking! "You lazy sloth, why do you need a remote when you are two feet from the stereo!" Well my dear child, I have a 5 speed and the shifter is right in front of the CD player so when I want to hit any buttons I have to reach around it putting myself into an odd position and taking my attention off the road.
So today I set out to buy those two items. The speakers seemed to be the easy part. I used the stores computer to look up what I needed and found a pair that were on clearance/sale ...done! The CD player was the hard part. I wanted specific features. After all if it has to last me 8 years like this other one has it had better have it all right? The guy at the store wasn't very helpful, and even if he was I find they usually spew out dribble about whatever product you are looking at even if everything they say they are making up as they go along. So I left there more confused then when I went in and headed over to the great beast, Wal-Mart. All their CD players were locked up behind glass. They were selling like 20-some but only had maybe 8 on display. I found one by reading the box that seemed to have what I was looking for but needed a closer look to be sure. When I looked around to find a key monkey (an employee trusted enough to wield the oh so powerful key) there were none to be found. I saw a small crowd gathered around the tire/lube job area waiting for someone to come. I peeked around the corner and peered down the 3 miles of endless products only to come up empty handed. Oh where oh where are those blue vested warriors when you need them? Frustrated I gave up. On my way to the front I kept an eye out just for my own satisfaction. I didn't see any! So I decided to conclude my quest later on.. in a different store. The speakers would have to do. I got home, grabbed a screw driver, loosened all the screws and took the speaker out only to find... it was a different size that the ones I bought. The computer was wrong. I guess my "fun" turned out to be a pain and waste of time. I shall try again in the very near future though.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Liar! LIAR! What about that 52" flat screen tv, or that hot tub, or that robotic vacuum cleaner that you just bought last year? Are those not considered "fun" items? Why put new speakers and a CD player in your vehicle when you just got a loan for a Hummer?
Oh, wait, I'm on the wrong blog. Sorry! :o)