Wednesday, April 4, 2007

I'm back, BABY!!!

After my last post I kind of forgot to update this thing. Last week I had super keyboard issues begin. Out of the blue my keyboard just freaked out. The caps lock was turning off and on by itself the letters would only work when they wanted to. Last Friday it completely died. I went to Wal-Mart that evening to buy another one. They had two to choose from: crap, and crap senior. I had no intentions of keeping either, I just needed something to use until I made it to a real store. So I bought the $10 special. After I got home I hooked it up to find while typing normal many letters, such as: A, D, G, and maybe a few more didn't work unless you pushed down as hard as you can. Needless to say that is very frustrating. I pretty much gave up on e-mail. I didn't find one I liked so I ordered one on the Internet.

It came today and I was SO happy to start using it. I feel like I evolved. From a chimp smashing a rock into the ground to a future human using my brain waves to communicate. Well okay not quite that much but this new one is wonderful!

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